The Plot Chickens by Mary Jane & Herm Auch
Book Cover Image:
Book Summary:
In The Plot Chickens, Henrietta, a book-loving chicken, decides to try her wing at writing her own book. After finding a reference book on writing, Henrietta sets about learning the eight rules of writing and types up her story with the help and hilarious input of her four aunts. After completing her "eggsiting" fiction story, Henrietta sends it off to publishers and reviewers, but meets with literary rejection. Her self-confidence shaken, Henrietta is later pleased to discover that her self-printed book is a hit with the most distinguished of readers, the children at the local library.
APA Reference of Book:
Auch, M. J., & Auch, H. (2009). The plot chickens. New York: Holiday House.
The Plot Chickens doubles as a fun tale and the perfect introduction to the writing process. The eight rules discussed in the book (ex. Rule 1: You need a main character; Rule 6: Build suspense) are great advice for beginning student fiction writers. The dialogue provided by Henrietta's four aunts is chuckle-worthy while at the same time highlighting common errors that student writers make, such as lack of sensory details and abrupt endings. Appropriate for grades 2 through 4, this picture book makes learning to write a short story an adventure rather than a chore.
Professional Review:
School Library Journal
"The illustrations, a combination of oil paints and digital technology, are bold and colorful. The pictures are busy, with Henrietta at her typewriter while her friends cavort around her. There are imagined scenes in cloud shapes, word balloons, and jokes aplenty. A droll chicken with a repeating line adds to the humor. This offering works on two levels. It's a funny picture book that could be used as a manual on writing."
—Ieva Bates, Ann Harbor District Library, MI
Bates, I. (2009, March). [Review of the book The plot chickens, by M.J. Auch & H. Auch]. School Library Journal, 55(3),
105-106. Retrieved from
Bates, I. (2009, March). [Review of the book The plot chickens, by M.J. Auch & H. Auch]. School Library Journal, 55(3),
105-106. Retrieved from
Library Uses:
Elementary School Library
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